Tag Archives: governance

Planning (or lack thereof) in Latin America

I have always participated in projects abroad with an intent to apply, at least theoretically, specific planning concepts that enhance the livability of urban areas. More often than not, I resort to feeling that overthrowing governments is the only means to create genuinely positive change (channeling the inner Che Guevarra); poor governance, it seems, is often the true culprit behind less-than-ideal planning practices.

Most recently, I was in Costa Rica with my classmates with the aim to evaluate the country’s state of sustainable tourism. We surveyed sites, met with federal and local officials, and interviewed residents: Costa Rica is a beautiful country with some innovative programs carried out by private-sector entrepreneurs and independent communities, yet contrary to the central governments’ broadly publicized messages, support for these efforts is far and few between. Much to our horror, few municipalities possessed general plans, and illegal development were peppered in tourist honey pots as official palms become greased.

Picture Quepos, a small quaint town next to the magnificent Manuel Antonio Nature Reserve. Upon meeting its alcalde (the mayor), he emphatically stated that he stands for a green and sustainable Quepos. Yet when asked about two illegal, multi-storied development that encroached the boundaries of Manuel Antonio, the alcalde’s response was “oh no no no. Those were built under the previous mayor’s watch. I don’t know anything about that, I am washing my hands off them.” Somehow, somewhere, his accountability and will to fight for Quepos’ sustainability was flushed down the toilet.

Later, we find out that mayors in Costa Rica receive only an equivalent of US$900 in salary per month, giving them little incentive to do their jobs well, and the motivation to accept bribes. Meanwhile, the central government has no performance-based evaluation mechanism to ensure the accountability of local officials. As it turns out, Costa Rica’s ministry of tourism does little more than marketing, and has few to no cross-agency collaborations with the ministry of planning. Travesty.

How can a tipping-point for positive change be created under these conditions? Suggestions are welcomed.

Sunset at the beach; Quepos, Costa Rica.

Sunset at the beach; Quepos, Costa Rica.

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